When I make a contribution to Wireshark, I need to test my implementation before I commit my changes.

One of my test cases is checking whether Wireshark captures and shows the packets correctly.

Therefore, I should create network traffic for this test case. After some searching, I found a tool: Colasoft Packet Player.

Colasoft Packet Player is a UI tool and works at Windows. (I think it is a Windows Form Application). These properties were good for me since I was doing my tests by hand at Windows.

When I thought that I should do these tests automatically, I searched a way of making this. (I know there are many Windows and Linux tools which work from command line). Since Colasoft Packet Player doesn’t have an API, I should find a way of UI automation. (By the way, I want to use my PC especially keyboard and mouse, while the tests are running).

And I learned following:
– Understand Colasoft Packet Player UI by using Microsoft Spy. See my previous post for details.
– How to make Win32 API calls by using C#

As a result I have written following code for automating Colasoft Packet Player.


Following GIF is generated while one of the Unit Tests is running.

Colasoft Gif